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Dancing Ladies Plant

Dancing ladies plant

Dancing ladies plant

They are epiphytic in nature and are often found growing on the bark of trees and can be used as ornamental plants for indoor spaces.

Where do I put my dancing lady orchid?

They do well in east or west windows, though it doesn't hurt to soften the light a bit with a sheer curtain. Healthy Dancing Lady orchids have medium green leaves; dark green leaves indicate they aren't getting enough sun.

How do you look after a dancing lady orchid?

So today let's talk specifically about how to care for her in the home environment. First up let's

What kind of orchid is a dancing lady? Oncidium Oncidium is an incredibly large and diverse genus of about 300 orchid species distributed throughout tropical and subtropical America. These orchids have been nicknamed the Dancing Lady Orchids because their flowers resemble a small dancer with a colorful skirt. Oncidium - Dancing Lady Orchids - › plants › plant-family › onci... Search for: What kind of orchid is a dancing lady?

Oncidium is an incredibly large and diverse genus of about 300 orchid species distributed throughout tropical and subtropical America. These orchids have been nicknamed the Dancing Lady Orchids because their flowers resemble a small dancer with a colorful skirt.

How often do dancing lady orchids bloom?

They bloom a fair few times a year, usually two or three times. Autumn and spring are the most plentiful blooming seasons. The temperature contrast between day and night promotes the blossoming process; therefore, read the 'Temperature' paragraph carefully if you want to enjoy the blossoms of your oncidium orchids.

How often does dancing orchid bloom?

There is no 'blooming season' for Oncidiums – they bloom whenever a new growth matures which can be 1-2 times a year.

How do you get a dancing lady to flower?

Give your orchid slightly cooler nighttime temperatures to spark blooming. A 15° difference will do. Oncidiums will tolerate varying temperatures from 55° nights up to 75° days. Blooming time varies by species and some give more than 1 show of blooms throughout the year.

Where is the best place to keep an orchid in the house?

The ideal spot for growing orchids is either south or east-facing windows. Usually west windows are too hot while northern windows are too dark. Placing orchids under artificial lights is the last resort if you can't find a good location to grow your orchids.

Do orchids like deep or shallow pots?

Most orchids do prefer shallower squat pots, as their roots don't like all the moisture retained in deep pots and they just don't need the depth anyway as their roots spread out, not down.

How often do you water an Oncidium orchid?

A good general rule is that Oncidiums with thicker roots and leaves will not need to be watered as frequently as those with thinner leaves. Plants should be watered thoroughly with lukewarm to room temperature water every two to ten days, when the planting media is half dry.

Is the lady orchid rare?

Flowering occurs in late April to June. It is classified as endangered.

Can Oncidium grow in soil?

Soil. Oncidium orchids are epiphytic plants that do not grow in traditional soil or potting mix at all, but rather they are normally potted in a bark-based potting medium. This medium is typically sold as orchid mix, and has very good drainage.

What do you do with an orchid after the blooms fall off?

After the flowers drop from the orchid you have three choices: leave the flower spike (or stem) intact, cut it back to a node, or remove it entirely. Remove the flower spike entirely by clipping it off at the base of the plant. This is definitely the route to take if the existing stem starts to turn brown or yellow.

Do orchids like to be misted?

You may also want to mist the orchid with a spray bottle daily. Misting gives the orchid more humidity but does not create a soggy root environment. It is best to put your orchid where it will receive medium indirect sunlight.

How long do orchids live after blooming?

Orchid blooms last a long time, usually from six to ten weeks. To maintain bloom for as long as possible, increase sunlight, fertilize weekly, avoid overwatering, and take care to keep the flowers dry. It is important to maintain the right kind of light whether it is bright, indirect or filtered.

Do orchids rebloom after they fall off?

They will bloom again, but in the meantime, you have a few options: You can let it be, while making sure to fertilize it monthly or sometimes even as often as every other week. Use a houseplant fertilizer or balanced fertilizer (example: 20-20-20) at half the recommended rate.

How many times can an orchid rebloom?

Many orchids bloom once per year, some twice or even more. Once in bloom some flowers last weeks or months while others can last only days. Some basic research about the type of orchid will identify what to expect. For example, Phalaenopsis orchids usually bloom once per year and the blooms can last for months.

Do orchids need more water when they are blooming?

What About Watering Orchids In Bloom? Regularly water orchids that are blooming, growing new roots, or new leaves. While some orchids such as Cattleyas and Dendrobiums like to dry out between watering, others such as Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilums like to remain evenly moist.

What is the best potting mix for Oncidium orchids?

Many Oncidiums are tightly packed in potting material that does not promote long-term health. The potting mix that I use and trust is by Bonsai Jack. This mix is made primarily of Fir bark and supplemented with horticulture charcoal and perlite to allow optimum airflow to the orchid's roots.

How often do you fertilize Oncidium?

Fertilize regularly while plants are actively growing. Applications of 30-10-10 formulations twice a month are ideal for plants in a bark-based potting medium. A 20-20-20 formulation should be used on plants in other media or on slabs. If skies are cloudy, applications once a month are sufficient.

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